Panel Discussion and Vision
I was asked to be on a panel discussion at the American Akaushi Association convention recently. The two main questions I received were...

Black Wagyu & Akaushi Terminal Value Discussion
Which side are you on? Personally, I'm bi-partisan. Why...? The two breeds offer complimentary economic strengths and some of the largest...

Australia Trip May '17
I was joined by Benjamin Vito Guimaraes from Brazil to Australia in early May to the Australia Wagyu Association annual convention in...

Houston 2017 Recap...
I had a tremendous 10 days in Houston visiting with international cattle raisers and watching the Wagyu show on February 15th. I was...

¿Dónde encajo con el Akaushi?
Esta es una pregunta que me hacen casi diariamente los productores y consumidores que están interesados ​​en esta raza de ganado y carne,...

Where Do I Fit With Akaushi?
This is a question I’m asked almost daily by producers and consumers who are interested in this breed of cattle and beef but are not sure...